“Fire O’Leary” Campaign Continues

aa-firekevinolearyRebel Youth magazine is renewing its call to fire CBC economic commentator Kevin O’Leary after comments made on Jan. 21 about growing global social inequality.

Responding to co‑host Amanda Lang’s summary of an new report by Oxfam which notes that the 85 richest people on the planet have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion people, O’Leary said: “It’s fantastic. And this is a great thing because it inspires everybody, gets them motivation to look up to the one per cent and say, `I want to become one of those people, I want to fight to the get up to the top.’ This is fantastic news and of course I applaud it. What could be wrong with this?” (more…)

Minimum Wage Campaign Pressures Ontario Liberals

MinWage-Button-Sq-blueWith files from RY Ontario

In Ontario over the last several months, the “Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage” has built considerable pressure on the Wynne Liberals to raise the minimum wage to $14/hr from their current poverty rate of $10.25.

On the Jan. 24‑25 weekend, activists, local campaigns and supporting organizations convened in Toronto to discuss the way forward and hear from successful campaigns in the United States.

Under the slogan, “Fair Wages Now”, and “You deserve a raise”, the campaign has been successful in organizing days of actions around different themes on the 14th of every month, in dozens of communities, for the past several months. (more…)

Save Public Schools: One Secular, Public Education System Now!

The Communist Party of Canada (Ontario) is calling on the Ontario government to take immediate steps to develop a single, universal and secular, public education system in the province. The CPC (O) urges all progressives in Ontario to raise this demand, along with the introduction of a needs-based funding formula, as the most effective means for saving and improving public schools and delivering universal, quality public education.

Specifically, the Ontario government must end the public funding of the provincial Catholic school system. Governments have tried to justify this through references to constitutional education rights for Catholics. In reality, however, this is an outdated, regressive and discriminatory practice that the public cannot afford, from either a financial or a democratic viewpoint. Ontario is now the only province in Canada to publicly fund a parallel system of religious education. (more…)

Communist Party Leader Speaking on Public Auto Insurance

Communist Party of Canada (Ontario) leader, Elizabeth Rowley, is on a speaking tour of Ontario.  The tour is part of the Communist Party’s campaign for public auto insurance in Ontario.  Elizabeth will be speaking to people across the province about the huge corporate profits in the auto insurance industry, and the Communist Party’s to confront corporate power by putting auto insurance under public control. Elizabeth’s scheduled tour stops include Brampton, Ottawa and Guelph, and there Read more…