Hands Off 1492 Land Back Lane!

The Communist Party of Canada (Ontario) demands that the repression and provocations by the OPP targeting Land Defenders at 1492 Land Back Lane end immediately. All attempts to construct housing on the territory must stop and the federal government must negotiate on an equal, nation-to-nation basis with the Haudenosaunee people for a just and peaceful resolution. The Communist Party extends our full solidarity with all those fighting to uphold the land rights of the Haudenosaunee Read more…

Communists condemn Ford government’s attacks on democratic rights on behalf of corporate landlords and developers

The Communist Party of Canada (Ontario) condemns the Ford government’s sweeping legislative changes designed to give even more power to his government and their developer and corporate landlord backers. Last week Ontario ended the officially declared state of emergency. However, working people in Ontario are still facing an emergency: a pandemic without a cure and a government that is determined to place the burden of the capitalist crisis on their backs while eliminating democratic rights. Read more…

Scrap Bill 175: reverse the privatization of home and community care

The Communist Party of Canada (Ontario) demands that the provincial government withdraw Bill 175 and begin a process to bring all home and community care agencies back into the public sector. Take the profit that is currently lining the pockets of lobbyists, former premiers and the 1% and invest it into public healthcare where it belongs. We demand quality care for our seniors, dignity of care for the disabled, and decent wages, benefits and working conditions for all home and community care workers.