Communist Party Leader & Candidate Liz Rowley Interviewed on TVOntario
June 10, 2014 interview.
June 10, 2014 interview.
June 2nd interview covering the Communist Party’s campaign during the 2014 election.
June 1st, 2014 – reponse to Ontario Native Women’s Association provincial election questionnaire
1. How does your party plan to engage Aboriginal women to learn about the issues that matter to us and our families?
In our view there should be a close relationship between the government and the Ontario Native Women’s Association, as well as other Native Women’s organizations. The purpose should be to listen and consult with your organizations to hear first hand the needs and concerns of Native women in Ontario and across Canada, and to respond in a timely way with the rquired action. Many important concerns are already well-known to all political parties and the public, but there is no will to act. In our view the time for action is long overdue and the government should move right now to create jobs, raise living standards, improve healthcare and social programs, and adequately fund education, health, housing, childcare, culture, c;ean wate and sewage treatment facilities, and other urgently needed services and programs.
We also believe that the relationship between governments and Native peoples should be a nation to nation relationship that is respectful and that honours the Treaties and other agreements made between the two, generations ago. In particular, we believe that the government of Ontario should push hard to force the federal government to negotiate a just settlement to land claims, and to do it now. In the interim there should be no development on or under land that is subject to land claims, and no development without the agreement of those living on or near the land being developed. This applies to the Ring of Fire development currently under discussion. (more…)
Communist Candidates Fight for Policies to Put People’s Needs Before Corporate Greed This provincial election is an important one for working people. Federal and provincial austerity policies are driving Ontario into another deep economic crisis. There is a huge gap between the rich and the rest. Poverty is on the Read more…