Political Report of the Toronto Convention

On April 2nd, comrades in Toronto met for our first political convention of the 21st century, to reorganize our political work in Toronto amidst a severe economic crisis, the ravages of the global pandemic, related environmental carnage and heightened imperialist warmongering. These crises are rooted in capitalism and are felt particularly sharply in cities, where the forces of production – labour and capital – and the struggle between them are especially concentrated. It’s been twenty-four years since our last Toronto convention, held in Read more…

Win For The Planet and The People ~ Defeat Doug Ford!

Time to reverse Ford’s climate killing policies  Fight for action for environmental justice and jobs! Ontario and the planet are in the midst of a massive climate and environmental crisis.  The effects of this include more frequent severe weather events such as storms, floods, droughts and heat waves; increased risk of pandemics crossing from animal to human populations; spread of diseases like Lyme disease as a result of changing habitats; and increased stress and damage Read more…