Stop Ford’s Privatization of Surgeries

This is the text of a presentation to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding Bill 60 made on March 27th, 2023. The Communist Party of Canada is 102 years old this year. The Communist Party of Ontario is 83 years old. We are proud to have been among the first advocates for public health care in Canada. It took several decades to achieve Medicare in Canada. And even then Medicare was far from universal Read more…

Block Bill 39 – Tories sweep aside local democracy for profiteering developers

The Ontario government’s recently tabled Bill 39, The Better Municipal Government Act is a sweeping attack on local democracy in the direct service of private corporate developers. It is a cynical use of the housing crisis to increase corporate profit and restructure governance in Ontario, and it must be blocked. The legislation comes on the heels of Bill 3, The Strong Mayor, Building Housing Act, which was passed in September and provides extraordinary executive powers to the mayors Read more…

Stop Ford’s strikebreaking law!

The Ford government’s new strikebreaking legislation aimed at education workers is an unprecedented assault on workers’ living standards and labour rights. The government is attempting to use brute force to crush the lowest paid education workers as part of their broader corporate agenda to drive down all workers’ wages in order to facilitate privatization and corporate profits. The broadest solidarity and escalating action is needed now to defeat this attack.